Daily Schedule of a training day
** Subject to change during matches
** Day after player is done with the tournament, they will get a day off to do
schoolwork and will start back with this schedule to prepare for the next tournament
8 am: wake up
8:30 am: Breakfast
9:30-11:30am: Hitting/ Drilling
11:30-12/12:15pm: Fitness / Stretching
12:30- 1:30 pm: Lunch
1:30- 4:15pm: Schoolwork
4:30- 5:30/6 pm: Hitting/Point play (if players need to do more school work they can
skip second practice)
6- 10pm: Shower, Dinner, Relax 10pm: phones off, Bedtime
(the first day we get to the tournament location, we will go to the store to gather all needs for the hotel and tournament)